Boards, Committees, and Councils give Yukoners a Voice in the Management of Land, Wildlife, Natural and Heritage Resources

The Umbrella Final Agreement (UFA) and Final Agreements called for the creation of over 20 boards, committees and councils.
These boards, committees and councils give all Yukoners increased opportunities to provide input and suggestions to decision-makers.
They address a range of issues including: dispute resolution, training, development assessment, fish and wildlife management, geographical place names, heritage resources, land use planning, surface rights, water, renewable resources and national park management.
These boards, committees and councils are typically made up of members nominated by the signatories of the UFA and Final Agreements (the federal, Yukon, and First Nations governments, and the Council of Yukon First Nations).
They typically act as impartial, independent bodies that make recommendations to government based on public input, research and expertise.
- Hears and decides on disputes related to accessing or using Yukon First Nation settlement land
- Chapter 8 – Surface Rights Board of the UFA and Final Agreements
Yukon Land Use Planning Council
- Makes recommendations on land use planning in Yukon and jointly administers federal land use planning funding with Yukon government
- Chapter 11 – Land Use Planning of the UFA and Final Agreements
Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Board
- Assesses projects and provides recommendations that protect the environmental and social integrity of Yukon, while fostering responsible development in the territory
- Chapter 12 – Development Assessment of the UFA and Final Agreements
Yukon Heritage Resources Board
- Provides advice to governments on issues that affect Yukon’s heritage resources
- When requested makes determinations about ownership and management of certain heritage resources.
- Chapter 13 – Heritage of the UFA and Final Agreements
Yukon Geographical Place Names Board
- Makes recommendations on the naming or renaming of places or features within Yukon.
- Chapter 13 – Heritage of the UFA and Final Agreements
- Issues water licences and ensures balance between conservation, development and public use of water.
- Chapter 14 – Water Management of the UFA and Final Agreements
Yukon Fish and Wildlife Management Board
- Makes recommendations on the management of Yukon fish and wildlife
- Chapter 16 – Fish and Wildlife of the UFA and Final Agreements
- Makes recommendations related to salmon and their habitat
- Chapter 16 – Fish and Wildlife of the UFA and Final Agreements
- Provide local input and advice related to fish, wildlife, habitat and forestry management on the Traditional Territory of a specific First Nation
- 10 have been established to date
- Chapter 16 – Fish and Wildlife of the UFA and Final Agreements
Yukon Dispute Resolution Board
- Dispute resolution for any disputes arising from the interpretation, administration or implementation of settlement agreements or settlement legislation.
- Chapter 26- Dispute Resolution of the UFA and Final Agreements
Yukon Training Policy Committee
- Helps Yukon First Nations people get the training needed to implement the agreements and to fully participate in the economic opportunities arising from implementation of the agreements
- Chapter 28 – Implementation and Training for Settlement Implementation of the UFA and Final Agreements