Resource Library

Resource Library

Mapping the Way has a valuable collection of videos, podcasts, exhibits, posters, and learning resources to learn more about the Yukon's Final and Self-Government Agreements.
Mapping the Way Exhibits
Learn more about the Final and Self-Government Agreements

Our Resources

Treaty Talk | Kris Statnyk
Treaty Talk | Kris Statnyk
Kris encourages young people to learn about their agreements and then use that knowledge to get involved directly and indirectly with implementation of those modern treaties. He also shares the importance of maintaining connection to the land.
Treaty Talk | Sheena Johns
Treaty Talk | Sheena Johns
Listen in as Sheena explains some practical impacts of modern treaties on youth and how implementation can be interesting and exciting!
Treaty Talk | Geri-Lee Buyck
Treaty Talk | Geri-Lee Buyck
Get the scoop on Treaty Simulations from Geri-Lee and find out why she thinks youth need to participate in treaty work.
Treaty Talk | Stephen Mills
Treaty Talk | Stephen Mills
Stephen shares how modern treaties are a path forward, discusses the Yukon Government’s role in negotiations, and encourages youth to seek out mentor relationships.
Treaty Talk | Brian MacDonald
Treaty Talk | Brian MacDonald
Listen in as Brian shares about the Government of Yukon’s role in modern treaties, as well as how these agreements recognize rights and include young people in the process.
Treaty Talk | Ed Schultz
Treaty Talk | Ed Schultz
Listen in as Ed explains the role of youth councils as a platform for youth to participate in decision making and learn leadership skills.
Treaty Talk | Robin Bradasch
Treaty Talk | Robin Bradasch
Robin explains what implementation is really about and shares how modern treaties impact youth in the Yukon.
Treaty Talk | Kim Smarch
Treaty Talk | Kim Smarch
Dans cette vidéo, Mme Smarch explique pourquoi les traités modernes sont importants pour elle.
Treaty Talk | Tony Penikett
Treaty Talk | Tony Penikett
Take it from Tony, the Yukon Umbrella Final Agreement is important. Also, listen for Tony’s take on why youth need to get involved in their treaties, and he even shares some ways for them to get started.