Ron Chambers

Ron Chambers has served five terms on the Yukon Heritage Resources Board, bringing a wealth of experience, knowledge, and commitment to his role as a Board member. Ron is a member of the Wolf Clan and a citizen of Champagne and Aishihik First Nations. History and culture have always been personal interests, and have helped shape his path in life and his participation in land claims activities.
Following his residential school experience, Ron worked as a wilderness guide, actor, park warden, artist, dancer, and cultural interpreter, and has been involved in archaeological survey and research work throughout the Yukon. Ron also worked with the National Indian Arts and Crafts Corporation and Yukon Native Products, and with the Canada Council’s Explorations Program.
From his days with the Yukon Native Brotherhood, Ron has been engaged in the negotiation and implementation of Yukon land claims, gaining and putting to use years of knowledge and experience. He participated in early negotiations, served as Deputy Chief of Champagne and Aishihik First Nations, and has served on a number of UFA Boards and Committees over the years. In addition to the Yukon Heritage Resources Board, Ron has also served on the Fish and Wildlife Management Board and the Geographical Place Names Board.
Ron sees UFA Boards and Committees as a way to continue the work started during land claims negotiations, and help realize the aspirations of previous generations for cooperative and participatory management of the Yukon. He emphasizes that experiential knowledge brings something important to the process of Board work. Ron says the Yukon offers a unique opportunity for people of all backgrounds to become engaged and work together in many arenas, including implementation. He encourages others to pursue Boards and Committees work, seeing it as a natural outcome of being interested in the world around you and committed to a better Yukon.